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There are 15 words beginning with ENGIN

ENGINEengine n. A large construction used in warfare, such as a battering ram, catapult etc.
engine n. (Now archaic) A tool; a utensil or implement.
engine n. A complex mechanical device which converts energy into useful motion or physical effects.
ENGINEDengined adj. (In combination) Having a specified number or configuration of engines, or having a certain type of…
engined v. Simple past tense and past participle of engine.
ENGINE v. to equip with machinery.
ENGINEERengineer n. (Military, also figuratively).
engineer n. (By extension).
engineer v. (Transitive).
ENGINEEREDengineered adj. Produced by engineering; designed and manufactured according to an engineering methodology.
engineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of engineer.
ENGINEER v. to arrange or contrive.
ENGINEERINGengineering v. Present participle of engineer.
engineering n. (Uncountable) The application of mathematics and the physical sciences to the needs of humanity and…
engineering n. The area aboard a ship where the engine is located.
ENGINEERINGSengineerings n. Plural of engineering.
ENGINEERING n. the business of the engineer.
ENGINEERSengineers n. Plural of engineer.
engineers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of engineer.
ENGINEER v. to arrange or contrive.
ENGINELESSengineless adj. Without an engine.
ENGINERenginer n. (Obsolete) A contriver, an inventor.
enginer n. (Obsolete) One who makes engines.
enginer n. Misspelling of engineer.
ENGINERIESengineries n. Plural of enginery.
ENGINERY n. the act or art of managing engines, or artillery.
ENGINERSenginers n. Plural of enginer.
ENGINER n. (Shakespeare) an engineer, also INGENER.
ENGINERYenginery n. (Archaic) Machinery made up of engines; instruments of war.
enginery n. (Archaic) The act or art of managing engines, or artillery.
enginery n. (Archaic) Any device or contrivance; machinery; structure or arrangement.
ENGINESengines n. Plural of engine.
engines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of engine.
ENGINE v. to equip with machinery.
ENGININGengining v. Present participle of engine.
ENGINE v. to equip with machinery.
ENGINOUSenginous adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to an engine.
enginous adj. (Obsolete) Contrived with care; ingenious.
ENGINOUS adj. ingenious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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