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There are 14 words beginning with EMPIR

EMPIREempire n. A political unit, typically having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations…
empire n. A political unit ruled by an emperor or empress.
empire n. The group of states or other territories that owe allegiance to an imperial power (foreign to them)…
EMPIRESempires n. Plural of empire.
EMPIRE n. a dominion of peoples and nations under the same power.
EMPIRICempiric adj. Empirical.
empiric n. (Historical) A member of a sect of ancient physicians who based their theories solely on experience.
empiric n. Someone who is guided by empiricism; an empiricist.
EMPIRICALempirical adj. Pertaining to or based on experience (often, in contrast with having a basis in theoretical explanation).
empirical adj. Pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations made using the physical senses or using instruments…
empirical adj. (Philosophy of science) Verifiable by means of scientific experimentation.
EMPIRICALLYempirically adv. Based on experience as opposed to theoretical knowledge.
empirically adv. (Sciences) Based on data gathered in the real world.
EMPIRICAL adv. relying on or derived from observation or experiment; guided by practical experience rather than theory, also EMPIRIC.
EMPIRICALNESSempiricalness n. Quality of being empirical.
EMPIRICAL n. relying on or derived from observation or experiment; guided by practical experience rather than theory, also EMPIRIC.
EMPIRICALNESSESEMPIRICALNESS n. EMPIRICAL, relying on or derived from observation or experiment; guided by practical experience rather than theory, also EMPIRIC.
EMPIRICALSEMPIRICAL n. in statistics, the posterior probability of an event.
EMPIRICISMempiricism n. (Medicine, now chiefly historical) Medicine as practised by an empiric, founded on mere experience…
empiricism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine which holds that the only or, at least, the most reliable source of human knowledge…
empiricism n. A pursuit of knowledge purely through experience, especially by means of observation and sometimes by experimentation.
EMPIRICISMSempiricisms n. Plural of empiricism.
EMPIRICISM n. pursuit of knowledge by observation and experiment.
EMPIRICISTempiricist n. An advocate or supporter of empiricism.
EMPIRICIST n. an empiric.
EMPIRICISTSempiricists n. Plural of empiricist.
EMPIRICIST n. an empiric.
EMPIRICSempirics n. Plural of empiric.
EMPIRIC n. one who follows an empirical method; one who relies upon practical experience.
EMPIRICUTICEMPIRICUTIC adj. (obsolete) empirical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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