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There are 6 words beginning with EUTE

EUTEXIAeutexia n. The principle or process of forming from given components the eutectic alloy, or alloy of maximum fusibility.
EUTEXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTAXIA.
EUTECTICeutectic adj. Describing the chemical composition or temperature of a mixture of substances that gives the lowest…
eutectic adj. (Chemistry) Describing the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions where a liquid coexists with two solid phases.
eutectic n. A material that has the composition of a eutectic mixture or eutectic alloy.
EUTEXIASEUTEXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTAXIA.
EUTECTICSeutectics n. Plural of eutectic.
EUTECTIC n. a mixture with a low melting point.
EUTECTOIDeutectoid adj. Describing the phase-change reaction of an alloy in which, on cooling, a single solid phase transforms…
eutectoid n. An alloy of a composition that undergoes the eutectoid transformation.
EUTECTOID n. an alloy similar to a eutectic.
EUTECTOIDSeutectoids n. Plural of eutectoid.
EUTECTOID n. an alloy similar to a eutectic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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