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There are 15 words beginning with EROS

EROSeros n. A winged figure of a child representing love and/or its power.
eros n. Physical love; sexual desire.
eros n. A type of love that seeks fulfillment without violation or something else.
EROSEerose adj. Irregularly notched, eaten away, as though bitten.
EROSE adj. irregularly notched as if bitten.
EROSESEROS n. (Greek) the sum of the self-preservative, as opposed to self-destructive, instincts.
EROSELYerosely adv. In an erose manner.
EROSE adv. irregularly notched as if bitten.
EROSIONerosion n. (Uncountable) The result of having been worn away or eroded, as by a glacier on rock or the sea on a cliff face.
erosion n. (Uncountable) The changing of a surface by mechanical action, friction, thermal expansion contraction, or impact.
erosion n. (Uncountable, figurative) The gradual loss of something as a result of an ongoing process.
EROSIVEerosive adj. Of or pertaining to erosion.
erosive adj. Causing or tending to cause erosion.
EROSIVE adj. causing erosion.
EROSIBLEerosible adj. Synonym of erodible.
EROSIBLE adj. that can be eroded, also ERODABLE, ERODIBLE.
EROSIONSerosions n. Plural of erosion.
EROSION n. the act of eroding.
EROSIONALerosional adj. Pertaining to erosion.
EROSIONAL adj. relating or causing erosion.
EROSIVITYerosivity n. A measure of the potential ability of soil, regolith, or other weathered material to be eroded by rain…
EROSIVITY n. the state of being erosive.
EROSTRATEerostrate adj. Not rostrate; lacking a beak.
EROSTRATE adj. without a beak.
EROSIONALLYerosionally adv. In an erosional manner; by means of erosion.
EROSIONAL adv. relating or causing erosion.
EROSIVENESSerosiveness n. The state or quality of being erosive.
EROSIVENESS n. the state of being erosive.
EROSIVITIESerosivities n. Plural of erosivity.
EROSIVITY n. the state of being erosive.
EROSIVENESSESEROSIVENESS n. the state of being erosive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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