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There are 16 words beginning with EMIG

EMIGRANTemigrant n. Someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country.
emigrant n. Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Catopsilia. Also called a migrant.
EMIGRANT n. one who emigrates.
EMIGRANTSemigrants n. Plural of emigrant.
EMIGRANT n. one who emigrates.
EMIGRATEemigrate v. (Intransitive) To leave the country in which one lives, especially one’s native country, in order to…
EMIGRATE v. to leave one's birthplace to settle in another.
EMIGRATEDemigrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of emigrate.
EMIGRATE v. to leave one's birthplace to settle in another.
EMIGRATESemigrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emigrate.
EMIGRATE v. to leave one's birthplace to settle in another.
EMIGRATINGemigrating v. Present participle of emigrate.
EMIGRATE v. to leave one's birthplace to settle in another.
EMIGRATIONemigration n. The act of emigrating; movement of a person or persons out of a country or national region, for the…
emigration n. A body of emigrants; emigrants collectively.
EMIGRATION n. the act of emigrating.
EMIGRATIONALemigrational adj. Relating to emigration.
EMIGRATIONAL adj. relating to emigration.
EMIGRATIONISTemigrationist n. An advocate or promoter of emigration.
EMIGRATIONIST n. an advocate or promoter of emigration.
EMIGRATIONISTSemigrationists n. Plural of emigrationist.
EMIGRATIONIST n. an advocate or promoter of emigration.
EMIGRATIONSemigrations n. Plural of emigration.
EMIGRATION n. the act of emigrating.
EMIGRATORYemigratory adj. Synonym of migratory.
EMIGRATORY adj. relating to emigration.
EMIGREemigre n. One who has departed their native land, often as a refugee.
emigre n. An emigrant, one who departs their native land to become an immigrant in another.
emigré n. Alternative form of emigre.
EMIGREEemigree n. A migrant, one who moves from one region to another.
EMIGREE n. (French) one of the (female) natives of France who were opposed to the first Revolution, and who left their country in consequence.
EMIGREESemigrees n. Plural of emigree.
EMIGREE n. (French) one of the (female) natives of France who were opposed to the first Revolution, and who left their country in consequence.
EMIGRESemigres n. Plural of emigre.
emigrés n. Plural of emigré.
émigrés n. Plural of émigré.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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