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There are 16 words beginning with ELDE

ELDERelder adj. Comparative degree of old: older, greater than another in age or seniority.
elder n. An older person.
elder n. An older member, usually a leader, of some community.
ELDERSelders n. Plural of elder.
elders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elder.
ELDER n. a kind of shrub or small tree bearing white flowers and black berries.
ELDESTeldest adj. Superlative form of old: most old; greatest in age or seniority.
eldest adj. (Card games) (of a player) Receiving cards from the dealer first, before any other players.
eldest adj. (Card games) (of a hand) Having higher, or superior cards.
ELDERLYelderly adj. Old; having lived for relatively many years.
elderly adj. Of an object, being old-fashioned or frail due to aging.
elderly n. An elderly person.
ELDESTSeldests n. Plural of eldest.
ELDEST n. the oldest of a set of e.g. children.
ELDERCAREeldercare n. Care for elderly people.
ELDERCARE n. care of the elderly.
ELDERLIESelderlies n. Plural of elderly.
ELDERLY n. older people.
ELDERSHIPeldership n. Seniority; the state or condition of being older.
eldership n. The position or office of being an elder.
eldership n. The smallest administrative division in Lithuania, equivalent to a ward.
ELDERBERRYelderberry n. The elder; a shrub or tree of the genus Sambucus.
elderberry n. The small, edible, purplish-black fruit of this plant, used in cooking and to flavour drinks etc.
ELDERBERRY n. the fruit of the elder, used in winemaking.
ELDERCARESELDERCARE n. care of the elderly.
ELDERSHIPSelderships n. Plural of eldership.
ELDERSHIP n. the state of being older; seniority.
ELDERFLOWERelderflower n. The blossom of the elderberry, often specifically the European species Sambucus nigra.
ELDERFLOWER n. the flower of the elder.
ELDERLINESSelderliness n. The quality or state of being elderly.
ELDERLINESS n. the state of being elderly.
ELDERBERRIESelderberries n. Plural of elderberry.
ELDERBERRY n. the fruit of the elder, used in winemaking.
ELDERFLOWERSelderflowers n. Plural of elderflower.
ELDERFLOWER n. the flower of the elder.
ELDERLINESSESELDERLINESS n. the state of being elderly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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