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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with EXTR

EXTRACTSextracts n. Plural of extract.
extracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extract.
EXTRACT v. to draw out by force.
EXTRADOSextrados n. (Architecture) The outer or upper curve of an arch.
EXTRADOS n. (French) the outer curve of an arch.
EXTRAITSEXTRAIT n. (French) an extract.
EXTRANETextranet n. (Computing) A private computer network that uses Internet protocols and can be accessed by authorized…
EXTRANET n. a type of network like the internet.
EXTREATSextreats n. Plural of extreat.
EXTREAT v. (Spenser) to extract or eliminate (something).
EXTREMALextremal adj. (Mathematics) Relating to extrema (maximal or minimal).
extremal n. (Mathematics) Any solution to a variety of equations in the calculus of variations.
EXTREMAL n. a clause which limits recursion.
EXTREMERextremer adj. Comparative form of extreme: more extreme.
EXTREME adj. farthest from centre.
EXTREMESextremes n. Plural of extreme.
EXTREME n. the highest degree.
EXTREMUMextremum n. (Mathematics) A point, or value, which is a maximum or a minimum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
EXTRORSEextrorse adj. (Botany) Said of anthers dehiscing outwards from the center of the flower.
EXTRORSE adj. facing outwards.
EXTRUDEDextruded v. Simple past tense and past participle of extrude.
EXTRUDE v. to force or urge out; to expel.
EXTRUDERextruder n. A machine that extrudes material through shaped dies.
EXTRUDER n. something or someone that extrudes.
EXTRUDESextrudes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extrude.
EXTRUDE v. to force or urge out; to expel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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