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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with EURO

EUROBONDeurobond n. Alternative letter-case form of Eurobond.
Eurobond n. (Finance) An international bond denominated in a currency not native to the country where it is issued.
Eurobond n. (Finance) Proposed government bonds to be issued in Euros jointly by the Eurozone states.
EUROCRATeurocrat n. Alternative letter-case form of Eurocrat.
Eurocrat n. (Slang, derogatory) An employee or minister of the European Union, typically working in Brussels or Strasbourg.
EUROCRAT n. a senior member of the administration of the European Union.
EUROKIESEUROKY n. the ability of an organism to live under various conditions, also EURYOKY.
EUROKOUSeurokous adj. Alternative form of euryokous.
EUROKOUS adj. of an organism, able to live under different conditions, also EURYOKOUS.
EUROLANDeuroland prop.n. Alternative form of Euroland.
Euroland prop.n. (Dated, rare, sometimes humorous) The group of countries in Europe that use the Euro for currency.
EUROLAND n. the area formed by the countries using the euro.
EURONOTEEURONOTE n. negotiable bearer notes used in the European Union.
EUROPIUMeuropium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Eu) with an atomic number of 63.
EUROPIUM n. a rare earth metallic element.
EUROPOPSEUROPOP n. a form of simple yet infuriatingly catchy pop music, performed by European artists.
EUROZONEeurozone prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Eurozone.
Eurozone prop.n. Collectively, the European Union member states whose official currency is the euro.
EUROZONE n. the area formed by the countries using the euro.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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