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There are 14 ten-letter words beginning with ERGO

ERGODICITYergodicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being ergodic.
ergodicity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is ergodic.
ERGODICITY n. the state of being ergodic, relating to the probability that in a system any state will occur again.
ERGOGRAPHSergographs n. Plural of ergograph.
ERGOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording muscular work.
ERGOMANIACergomaniac n. A person who is obsessed with working hard.
ERGOMANIAC n. one who suffers from ergomania, excessive desire to work.
ERGOMANIASERGOMANIA n. excessive desire to work.
ERGOMETERSergometers n. Plural of ergometer.
ERGOMETER n. an instrument for measuring work performed.
ERGOMETRICergometric adj. Relating to ergometry.
ERGOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement made by an ergometer, an instrument for measuring work performed.
ERGONOMICSergonomics n. The science of the design of equipment, especially so as to reduce operator fatigue, discomfort and injury.
ergonomics n. (Economics, rare) Political economy.
ERGONOMICS n. the study of people at work.
ERGONOMISTergonomist n. An expert in ergonomics.
ERGONOMIST n. one who engages in ergonomics, the study of people at work.
ERGONOVINEergonovine n. Ergometrine.
ERGONOVINE n. an alkaloid derived from ergot used in the treatment of migraines.
ERGOPHOBIAergophobia n. A fear or aversion to work.
ERGOPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of work.
ERGOSTEROLergosterol n. (Biochemistry, steroids, mycology) The steroid precursor of vitamin D2. It is found in cell membranes…
ERGOSTEROL n. a chemical substance in the body developing into vitamin D on exposure.
ERGOTAMINEergotamine n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology) An alkaloid, extracted from ergot, that causes constriction…
ERGOTAMINE n. an alkaloid from ergot used in the treatment of migraine.
ERGOTISINGergotising v. Present participle of ergotise.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
ERGOTIZINGergotizing v. Present participle of ergotize.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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