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There are 10 words beginning with ETO

ETOILEetoile n. (Heraldry) Alternative form of estoile.
étoile n. (Ballet) The leading ballet dancer in a company.
ETOILE n. (French) in heraldry, a six-pointed star whose rays are wavy, instead of straight like those of a mullet, also ESTOILE.
ETOILESetoiles n. Plural of etoile.
étoiles n. Plural of étoile.
ETOILE n. (French) in heraldry, a six-pointed star whose rays are wavy, instead of straight like those of a mullet, also ESTOILE.
ETOURDIETOURDI adj. (French) foolish, thoughtless (of a male).
ETOUFFEEetouffee n. Alternative spelling of étouffée.
étouffée n. A spiced Cajun stew of meat (crayfish, shellfish, alligator, chicken or another meat) and vegetables…
ETOUFFEE n. (French) a Cajun stew.
ETOURDIEETOURDIE adj. (French) foolish, thoughtless (of a female).
ETOUFFEESetouffees n. Plural of etouffee.
étouffées n. Plural of étouffée.
ETOUFFEE n. (French) a Cajun stew.
ETOURDERIEétourderie n. Thoughtlessness, carelessness; a thoughtless act.
ETOURDERIE n. (French) heedlessness or stupid blundering.
ETOURDERIESétourderies n. Plural of étourderie.
ETOURDERIE n. (French) heedlessness or stupid blundering.
ETONOGESTRELetonogestrel n. A steroidal progestin used in hormonal contraceptives.
ETONOGESTREL n. a molecule used in certain hormonal contraceptives.
ETONOGESTRELSETONOGESTREL n. a molecule used in certain hormonal contraceptives.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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