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There are 16 words beginning with EID

EIDEEIDE n. (Electronics) Initialism of Extended Integrated Drive Electronics.
EIDOS n. (Greek) the formal sum of a culture, its intellectual character, ideas.
EIDEReider n. Any of the species of the genera Polysticta or Somateria, in the seaduck subfamily Merginae, which line…
Eider prop.n. A river in Germany, the boundary between Schleswig and Holstein.
EIDER n. (Icelandic) a large sea duck.
EIDOSeidos n. (Philosophy) Form; essence; type; species.
EIDOS n. (Greek) the formal sum of a culture, its intellectual character, ideas.
EIDENTeident adj. (Scotland, Ireland) Busy, industrious, diligent.
EIDENT adj. (Scots) busy, diligent.
EIDERSeiders n. Plural of eider.
EIDER n. (Icelandic) a large sea duck.
EIDOLAeidola n. Plural of eidolon.
eidôla n. Plural of eidôlon.
EIDOLON n. (Greek) an unsubstantial image, a phantom, also IDOLON, IDOLUM.
EIDETICeidetic adj. (Neuroscience) Marked by or resulting from extraordinary ability to recall detailed and vivid mental…
EIDETIC adj. marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall.
EIDETIC n. a person with eidetic recall.
EIDOLICeidolic adj. Of or relating to an eidolon.
EIDOLIC adj. like an eidolon, an unsubstantial image, a phantom.
EIDOLONeidolon n. An image or representation of an idea; a representation of an ideal form; an apparition of some actual…
eidolon n. A phantom, a ghost or elusive entity.
eidolon n. An unsubstantial image, spectre, phantom.
EIDETICSeidetics n. (Philosophy) The study of eidetic reduction.
EIDETIC n. a person with eidetic recall.
EIDOLONSeidolons n. Plural of eidolon.
eidôlons n. Plural of eidôlon.
EIDOLON n. (Greek) an unsubstantial image, a phantom, also IDOLON, IDOLUM.
EIDERDOWNeiderdown n. (Uncountable) The down of the eider duck, used for stuffing pillows and quilts.
eiderdown n. (Countable) A quilt stuffed with this down.
EIDERDOWN n. the soft down of the eider duck; a bedcover, usually quilted.
EIDOGRAPHeidograph n. An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of pantograph.
EIDOGRAPH n. an instrument for copying drawings.
EIDERDOWNSeiderdowns n. Plural of eiderdown.
EIDERDOWN n. the soft down of the eider duck; a bedcover, usually quilted.
EIDOGRAPHSeidographs n. Plural of eidograph.
EIDOGRAPH n. an instrument for copying drawings.
EIDETICALLYeidetically adv. In an eidetic way.
EIDETIC adv. marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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