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There are 18 nine-letter words beginning with EVE

EVECTIONSevections n. Plural of evection.
EVECTION n. a lunar inequality, the combined effect of the irregularity of the point of the moon's orbit at which it is nearest to Earth and the alternate increase and decrease of the eccentricity of the moon's orbit.
EVENEMENTEVENEMENT n. (French) an event or happening; specifically a political strike.
EVENFALLSevenfalls n. Plural of evenfall.
EVENFALL n. the onset of evening.
EVENSONGSevensongs n. Plural of evensong.
EVENSONG n. an evening prayer service.
EVENTIDESeventides n. Plural of eventide.
EVENTIDE n. evening.
EVENTINGSeventings n. Plural of eventing.
EVENTING n. the act of taking part in riding events.
EVENTLESSeventless adj. Without events; uneventful.
EVENTLESS adj. without events.
EVENTRATEEVENTRATE v. to open the belly.
EVENTUATEeventuate v. (Intransitive) To have a given result; to turn out (Well, badly etc.); to result in.
eventuate v. (Intransitive) To happen as a result; to come about.
EVENTUATE v. to turn out.
EVERGLADEeverglade n. A tract of marshland, especially one containing clumps of sawgrass and hammocks of vegetation.
EVERGLADE n. a swampy grassland, esp. in southern Florida.
EVERGREENevergreen adj. Of plants, especially trees, that do not shed their leaves seasonally.
evergreen adj. (Often figuratively) Continually fresh or self-renewing.
evergreen adj. (Broadcasting) Suitable for transmission at any time; not urgent or time-dependent.
EVERSIBLEeversible adj. Able to be turned inside out; able to be everted.
EVERSIBLE adj. that can be everted.
EVERSIONSeversions n. Plural of eversion.
e-versions n. Plural of e-version.
EVERSION n. the act of turning inside out or outwards.
EVERWHEREeverwhere adv. (US, dialectal, Appalachia) Wherever.
everwhere adv. (US, dialectal) Everywhere.
EVERWHERE adv. to or in all parts and places.
EVERWHICHeverwhich adv. (Appalachia, Southern US) Whichever.
EVERWHICH adj. whichever.
EVERYBODYeverybody pron. All people.
every␣body pron. Obsolete spelling of everybody.
EVERYBODY pron. every person.
EVERYDAYSEVERYDAY n. something appropriate for weekdays rather than Sunday.
EVERYWHENeverywhen adv. (Rare) Always, at all times.
EVERYWHEN adv. on every occasion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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