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There are 17 nine-letter words beginning with ECT

ECTHYMATAecthymata n. Plural of ecthyma.
ECTHYMA n. (Greek) a skin disease with large round pustules.
ECTOBLASTectoblast n. (Dated, biology) The outer layer of the blastoderm; the ectoderm or epiblast.
ECTOBLAST n. the outer layer of the blastoderm, also EPIBLAST.
ECTOCRINEectocrine adj. Producing secretions by the decomposition of organisms.
ectocrine n. Such a secretion.
ECTOCRINE n. any metabolite that is released into an organism's environment and influences the vital processes of other organisms.
ECTODERMSectoderms n. Plural of ectoderm.
ECTODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also EXODERM.
ECTOGENESECTOGENE n. a gene involved in the development of an embryo in artificial conditions.
ECTOGENICectogenic adj. That originates outside of an organism.
ECTOGENIC adj. relating to ectogeny, the effect of pollen on the tissues of a plant.
ECTOMERESectomeres n. Plural of ectomere.
ECTOMERE n. a cell that develops into ectoderm.
ECTOMERICectomeric adj. Of, or relating to an ectomere.
ECTOMERIC adj. like an ectomere, the more transparent cells, which finally become external, in many segmenting ova, as those of mammals.
ECTOMORPHectomorph n. Someone with a lean, only slightly muscular body.
ectomorph n. (Bodybuilding): Theoretical body type in which a person has a high metabolism. Such a person can easily…
ECTOMORPH n. a psychophysical type with long thin bones and large surface relative.
ECTOPHYTEectophyte n. (Biology) Any plant that lives as a parasite on the surface of another organism.
ECTOPHYTE n. a vegetable ectoparasite.
ECTOPLASMectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) A visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during…
ectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence…
ectoplasm n. (Cytology) The outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm.
ECTOPROCTectoproct n. (Dated) Synonym of bryozoan.
ECTOPROCT n. a bryozoan, a moss or liverwort.
ECTOSARCSectosarcs n. Plural of ectosarc.
ECTOSARC n. the outermost layer of some protozoans.
ECTOTHERMectotherm n. (Biology) An animal, such as an amphibian, fish, reptile, or arthropod, which has a limited ability…
ECTOTHERM n. a cold-blooded animal.
ECTOZOANSectozoans n. Plural of ectozoan.
ECTOZOAN n. a parasite on the body of an animal, also ECTOZOON.
ECTROPIONectropion n. A condition of loose eyelids, characterized by the turning outward of the lower eyelid.
ectropion n. A condition of the cervix, characterized by the cells of the endocervix being present in the location…
ECTROPION n. an unnatural eversion of the eyelids, also ECTROPIUM.
ECTROPIUMectropium n. Ectropion.
ECTROPIUM n. an unnatural eversion of the eyelids, also ECTROPION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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