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There are 20 nine-letter words beginning with ECO

ECOFREAKSecofreaks n. Plural of ecofreak.
ECOFREAK n. a zealous environmentalist.
ECOLODGESecolodges n. Plural of ecolodge.
ECOLODGE n. a tourist accommodation facility designed to have minimal impact on the environment, often constructed as part of an environmental project.
ECOLOGIESecologies n. Plural of ecology.
ECOLOGY n. the study of the interrelationships between life forms and their environment, also OECOLOGY.
ECOLOGISTecologist n. A scholar of ecology.
ecologist n. (Uncommon) An environmentalist (one who advocates for the protection of the environment).
ECOLOGIST n. a student of ecology, also OECOLOGIST.
ECOMMERCEecommerce n. Alternative form of e-commerce.
eCommerce n. Alternative spelling of e-commerce.
e-commerce n. (Internet, business) Commercial activity conducted via the Internet.
ECOMUSEUMecomuseum n. A museum, often consisting of replica buildings in an outdoor setting, that shows the heritage of a…
ECOMUSEUM n. a type of interdisciplinary museum presenting the history and heritage of a region.
ECONOMICSeconomics n. (Social sciences) The study of resource allocation, distribution and consumption; of capital and investment;…
ECONOMICS n. the study of financial matters.
ECONOMIESeconomies n. Plural of economy.
ECONOMY n. thrift.
ECONOMISEeconomise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of economize.
ECONOMISE v. to make economies, also ECONOMIZE.
ECONOMISMeconomism n. (Economics) The belief that economic causes or factors have dominance over all others.
economism n. (Leninism) Working class political action that makes purely economic demands.
ECONOMISM n. a belief that economic causes are of primary importance.
ECONOMISTeconomist n. An expert in economics, especially one who studies economic data and extracts higher-level information…
economist n. One concerned with political economy.
economist n. (Obsolete) One who manages a household.
ECONOMIZEeconomize v. (Intransitive) To practice being economical (by using things sparingly or in moderation, and by avoiding…
economize v. (Transitive) To use frugally.
ECONOMIZE v. to make economies, also ECONOMISE.
ECOPHOBIAecophobia n. Fear of one’s home.
ecophobia n. A feeling of powerlessness to prevent cataclysmic environmental change, apocalypse, etc.
ECOPHOBIA n. fear of one's home surroundings.
ECOREGIONecoregion n. Alternative spelling of eco-region.
eco-region n. A region, smaller than an ecozone, that contains a distinct biodiversity of flora and fauna.
ECOREGION n. an area defined by its environmental conditions.
ECOSPHEREecosphere n. The portion of the atmosphere from sea-level to about 4000 meters in which it is possible to breathe…
ecosphere n. The biosphere.
ECOSPHERE n. the biosphere.
ECOSSAISEécossaise n. A contra dance in a Scottish style, popular in France and Great Britain around the late eighteenth century.
ECOSSAISE n. (French) a dancing tune in the Scotch style.
ECOSYSTEMecosystem n. A system formed by an ecological community and its environment that functions as a unit.
ecosystem n. The interconnectedness of organisms (plants, animals, microbes) with each other and their environment.
ecosystem n. (By extension) A network of interconnected people or organisations that resembles a natural ecosystem…
ECOTARIANECOTARIAN n. a person who eats only food that has been produced in an environmentally friendly manner.
ECOTOPIASecotopias n. Plural of ecotopia.
ECOTOPIA n. an ecologically ideal region or type of society.
ECOTOUREDECOTOUR v. to go on a tour with an ecological purpose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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