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There are 8 eight-letter words beginning with EUT

EUTAXIASEUTAXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTEXIA.
EUTAXIESEUTAXY n. (Greek) good order.
EUTAXITEeutaxite n. (Geology, uncommon) A pyroclastic deposit that exhibits characteristics of both tuff and lava flows.
EUTAXITE n. a volcanic rock with bands.
EUTECTICeutectic adj. Describing the chemical composition or temperature of a mixture of substances that gives the lowest…
eutectic adj. (Chemistry) Describing the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions where a liquid coexists with two solid phases.
eutectic n. A material that has the composition of a eutectic mixture or eutectic alloy.
EUTEXIASEUTEXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTAXIA.
EUTHYMIAeuthymia n. (Psychology) A normal, non-depressed, reasonably positive mood; serenity.
EUTHYMIA n. a pleasant state of mind.
EUTROPHYeutrophy n. (Medicine) healthy nutrition.
eutrophy n. (Geography, of a body of water) The quality of being rich in minerals and nutrients.
eutrophy v. (Transitive, intransitive, of a body of water) To make or become rich in minerals and nutrients, which…
EUTROPICEUTROPIC adj. having the property of eutropy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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