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There are 10 eight-letter words beginning with ESP

ESPALIERespalier n. A latticework used to shape or train the branches of a tree or shrub into a two-dimensional ornamental…
espalier n. A plant that has been shaped in this manner.
espalier n. A row of plants that have been shaped in this manner.
ESPARTOSESPARTO n. (Spanish) a tough, wiry grass, providing a fiber used for paper and cordage.
ESPECIALespecial adj. Exceptional in importance or significance; special.
especial adj. Particular.
ESPECIAL adj. special.
ESPIEGLEESPIEGLE adj. (French) roguish, frolicsome.
ESPOUSALespousal n. A betrothal.
espousal n. A wedding ceremony.
espousal n. Adoption of a plan, cause, or idea.
ESPOUSEDespoused v. Simple past tense and past participle of espouse.
ESPOUSE v. to make a mutual promise of marriage.
ESPOUSERespouser n. One who espouses; one who embraces or adopts a cause.
ESPOUSER n. one who espouses.
ESPOUSESespouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of espouse.
ESPOUSE v. to make a mutual promise of marriage.
ESPRESSOespresso n. A concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee.
espresso n. A drink that includes espresso as an ingredient.
ESPRESSO n. (Italian) a strong coffee, also EXPRESSO.
ESPUMOSOESPUMOSO n. (Spanish) a sparkling wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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