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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with ERE

ERECTERSerecters n. Plural of erecter.
ERECTER n. one that erects, also ERECTOR.
ERECTILEerectile adj. Capable of being raised to an upright position.
erectile adj. (Biology, medicine, of tissue) Capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid.
ERECTILE adj. capable of being raised upright.
ERECTINGerecting v. Present participle of erect.
ERECT v. to build or raise up.
ERECTIONerection n. (Uncountable) The act of building or putting up or together of something.
erection n. (Countable) Anything erected or built.
erection n. (Uncountable or countable, ecclesiastical) Formal approval and official establishment of an institution…
ERECTIVEerective adj. Making erect or upright; raising.
ERECTIVE adj. tending to erect.
ERECTORSerectors n. Plural of erector.
ERECTOR n. one that erects, also ERECTER.
EREMITALeremital adj. Synonym of eremitic.
EREMITAL adj. of or like an eremite, a hermit, esp. a religious recluse.
EREMITESeremites n. Plural of eremite.
EREMITE n. a hermit, esp. a religious recluse.
EREMITICeremitic adj. Characteristic of a hermit.
EREMITIC adj. of or pertaining to an eremite, also EREMITICAL.
EREMURUSeremurus n. (Botany) Any of the plants of the genus Eremurus.
EREMURUS n. (Latin) a flower, the foxtail lily.
EREPSINSerepsins n. Plural of erepsin.
EREPSIN n. an enzyme of the small intestine.
ERETHISMerethism n. (Pathology) Abnormal excitement of a bodily organ or tissue.
erethism n. Any unusual or morbid overexcitement.
erethism n. A neurological disorder arising from mercury poisoning, leading to irritability, depression, etc.
EREWHILEerewhile adv. (Archaic or poetic) Some time ago; beforehand; formerly.
EREWHILE adv. some time ago.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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