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There are 19 eight-letter words beginning with EQU

EQUALINGequaling v. (American spelling) present participle of equal.
EQUAL v. to make equal.
EQUALISEequalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard form of equalize.
EQUALISE v. to make equal, also EQUALIZE.
EQUALITYequality n. The fact of being equal.
equality n. (Mathematics) The fact of being equal, of having the same value. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
equality n. The equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences.
EQUALIZEequalize v. (Transitive) To make equal; to cause to correspond in amount or degree.
equalize v. (Obsolete, transitive) To be equal to; to equal, to rival.
equalize v. (Intransitive, sports) To make the scoreline equal by scoring points.
EQUALLEDequalled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of equal.
equalled adj. Matched; found comparable. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
EQUAL v. to make equal.
EQUATINGequating v. Present participle of equate.
equating n. The act by which things are equated; the evaluation of things as equivalent.
EQUATE v. to be regarded as equal.
EQUATIONequation n. The act or process of equating two or more things, or the state of those things being equal (that is, identical).
equation n. (Mathematics) An assertion that two expressions are equal, expressed by writing the two expressions…
equation n. (Astronomy) A small correction to observed values to remove the effects of systematic errors in an observation.
EQUATIVEequative n. (Grammar) A construction showing an equal quality. In English, this is normally formed using as. For…
equative n. (Grammar) A word in the equative form.
equative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case in certain languages, including Ossetic and Sumerian, that indicates something…
EQUATORSequators n. Plural of equator.
EQUATOR n. an imaginary circle round the middle of the earth.
EQUINELYequinely adv. In an equine manner.
EQUINE adv. relating to horses, also EQUINAL.
EQUINIASEQUINIA n. glanders, a contagious horse disease.
EQUINITYequinity n. The quality of being equine.
EQUINITY n. equine nature.
EQUIPAGEequipage n. (Uncountable) Equipment or supplies, especially military ones.
equipage n. (Obsolete) Military dress; uniform, armour etc.
equipage n. A type of horse-drawn carriage.
EQUIPPEDequipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of equip.
EQUIP v. to provide with what is needed.
EQUIPPERequipper n. A person or organization that equips.
EQUIPPER n. one who equips.
EQUISETAequiseta n. Plural of equisetum.
EQUISETUM n. (Latin) a plant, horsetail.
EQUITANTequitant adj. Mounted on, or sitting upon, a horse; riding on horseback.
equitant adj. (Botany) Overlapping at the base.
EQUITANT adj. of leaves, folded lengthwise over succeeding leaves.
EQUITIESequities n. Plural of equity.
EQUITY n. fairness or impartiality.
EQUIVOKEequivoke n. Alternative form of equivoque.
EQUIVOKE n. an ambiguous term; a word susceptible of different significations, also EQUIVOQUE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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