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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with ECT

ECTASIASectasias n. Plural of ectasia.
ECTASIA n. the lengthening of a short syllable, also ECTASIS.
ECTHYMASecthymas n. Plural of ecthyma.
ECTHYMA n. (Greek) a skin disease with large round pustules.
ECTODERMectoderm n. (Biology) Outermost of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through development…
ECTODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also EXODERM.
ECTOGENEECTOGENE n. a gene involved in the development of an embryo in artificial conditions.
ECTOGENYectogeny n. (Botany) The effect of pollen on parts of the seed and fruit lying outside the embryo and endosperm.
ECTOGENY n. the effect of pollen on the tissues of a plant.
ECTOMEREectomere n. Any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm forms.
ECTOMERE n. a cell that develops into ectoderm.
ECTOPIASectopias n. Plural of ectopia.
ECTOPIA n. abnormal displacement of body parts, also ECTOPY.
ECTOPIESectopies n. Plural of ectopy.
ECTOPY n. abnormal displacement of body parts, also ECTOPIA.
ECTOSARCectosarc n. The ectoplasm of an amoeba and similar protozoa.
ECTOSARC n. the outermost layer of some protozoans.
ECTOZOANectozoan n. Alternative form of ectozoon.
ECTOZOAN n. a parasite on the body of an animal, also ECTOZOON.
ECTOZOICectozoic adj. (Zoology) epizoic.
ECTOZOIC adj. externally parasitic.
ECTOZOONectozoon n. (Zoology) An epizoon.
ECTOZOON n. a parasite on the body of an animal, also ECTOZOAN.
ECTROPICectropic adj. Relating to ectropy.
ectropic adj. Relating to ectropion.
ECTROPIC adj. displaying the red inner surface of the eyelid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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