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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with EXT

EXTATICextatic adj. Obsolete spelling of ecstatic.
extatic adj. Misspelling of ecstatic.
EXTATIC adj. ecstatic.
EXTENDSextends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extend.
EXTEND v. to stretch out to full length.
EXTENSEextense n. (Obsolete) extent; expanse.
extense adj. (Obsolete) Outreaching; expansive; extended, superficially or otherwise.
EXTENSE n. (obsolete) an extent.
EXTENTSextents n. Plural of extent.
EXTENT n. the range over which something extends.
EXTERNEexterne n. A person affiliated with an institution who does not reside there, especially a doctor or medical student…
EXTERNE n. an officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp. one who cares for the outpatients, also EXTERN.
EXTERNSexterns n. Plural of extern.
EXTERN n. an officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp. one who cares for the outpatients, also EXTERNE.
EXTINCTextinct adj. (Dated) Extinguished, no longer alight (Of fire, candles etc.).
extinct adj. No longer used; obsolete, discontinued.
extinct adj. (Of a group of organisms, as a species) No longer in existence; having died out.
EXTINESextines n. Plural of extine.
EXTINE n. the outer layer of some spores, also EXINE.
EXTIRPSextirps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extirp.
EXTIRP v. (Shakespeare) to root out.
EXTOLLSextolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extoll.
EXTOLL v. to praise highly, also EXTOL.
EXTORTSextorts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extort.
EXTORT v. to obtain something by violence or intimidation.
EXTRACTextract n. Something that is extracted or drawn out.
extract n. A portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work; a citation; a quotation.
extract n. A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential…
EXTRAITEXTRAIT n. (French) an extract.
EXTREATextreat n. (Obsolete) Estreat.
extreat n. (Obsolete) Extraction.
EXTREAT v. (Spenser) to extract or eliminate (something).
EXTREMAextrema n. Plural of extremum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
EXTREMEextreme adj. Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost.
extreme adj. In the greatest or highest degree; intense.
extreme adj. Excessive, or far beyond the norm.
EXTROPYextropy n. Negentropy.
EXTROPY n. the prediction that human intelligence will enable life to expand throughout the universe.
EXTRUDEextrude v. To push or thrust out.
extrude v. (Transitive) To form or shape (A metal, plastic etc.) by forcing it through a die or an opening.
extrude v. (Transitive) To expel; to drive off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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