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There are 17 seven-letter words beginning with ELE

ELECTEDelected v. Simple past tense and past participle of elect.
elected n. One who is elected.
ELECT v. to select by vote.
ELECTEEelectee n. Someone who is elected.
ELECTEE n. a person who has been elected.
ELECTORelector n. (Politics) A person eligible to vote in an election; a member of an electorate, a voter.
Elector n. (Historical) A German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; a prince-elector.
ELECTOR n. one that elects.
ELECTROelectro n. (Countable, obsolete) An electrotype.
electro n. (Uncountable, music) An electronic style of hip hop; electrofunk.
electro n. Electrolysis.
ELEGANTelegant adj. Characterised by or exhibiting elegance.
elegant adj. Characterised by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision.
elegant adj. (Ireland, colloquial, archaic) Fine; doing well.
ELEGIACelegiac adj. Of or relating to an elegy.
elegiac adj. Expressing sorrow or mourning.
elegiac n. A poem composed in the couplet style of classical elegies: a line of dactylic hexameter followed by…
ELEGIESelegies n. Plural of elegy.
ELEGY n. a mournful poem for the dead.
ELEGISEelegise v. Alternative spelling of elegize.
ELEGISE v. to write an elegy, also ELEGIZE.
ELEGISTelegist n. A writer of funeral songs; one who writes in elegiac verse.
ELEGIST n. one who writes elegies.
ELEGITSelegits n. Plural of elegit.
ELEGIT n. (Latin) a writ of execution on a debtor's property.
ELEGIZEelegize v. (Transitive) To compose an elegy for.
elegize v. (Intransitive) To compose an elegy.
elegize v. (Transitive) To praise, as if in an elegy.
ELEMENTelement n. One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution…
element n. A small part of the whole.
element n. A small but present amount of a quality, a hint.
ELENCHIelenchi n. Plural of elenchus.
ELENCHUS n. (Greek) a refutation, also ELENCH.
ELENCHSelenchs n. Plural of elench.
ELENCH n. (obsolete) in logic, that part of an argument on which its conclusiveness depends, also ELENCHUS.
ELEVATEelevate v. (Transitive) To raise (something) to a higher position.
elevate v. (Transitive) To promote (someone) to a higher rank.
elevate v. (Transitive) To confer honor or nobility on (someone).
ELEVENSelevens n. Plural of eleven.
ELEVEN n. a number, ten and one.
ELEVONSelevons n. Plural of elevon.
ELEVON n. a hinged flap on the trailing edge of a delta wing, taking the place of both aileron and elevator in a conventional aircraft.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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