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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with EXO

EXODESexodes n. Plural of exode.
EXODE n. (Greek) the concluding part of a Greek drama, a farce or afterpiece.
EXODICexodic adj. (Biology) Conducting influences from the spinal cord outward; said of the motor or efferent nerves.
EXODIC adj. relating to exodus.
EXODOIexodoi n. Plural of exodos.
EXODOS n. (Greek) a concluding dramatic scene.
EXODOSexodos n. (Drama, Ancient Greek drama) A final scene or departure in a play, especially a tragedy.
EXODOS n. (Greek) a concluding dramatic scene.
EXODUSexodus n. A sudden departure of a large number of people.
exodus v. To depart from a place in a large group.
Exodus prop.n. The departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
EXOGENexogen n. (Botany) A plant characterized by wood, bark and pith, the wood forming a layer between the other two…
exogen n. (Medicine, dermatology) The last phase of the hair growth cycle that follows telogen, during which the…
EXOGEN n. a plant which grows by thickening its outer layer.
EXOMESexomes n. Plural of exome.
EXOME n. a part of the genome consisting of exons.
EXOMISexomis n. (Historical) A sleeveless Ancient Greek tunic worn by workers and light infantry.
EXOMIS n. (Greek) a Roman sleeveless garment, also EXOMION.
EXONICexonic adj. Of or pertaining to an exon.
EXONIC adj. relating to an exon, any segment of a gene which consists of codons.
EXONYMexonym n. An external name for a place, people or language used by foreigners instead of the native-language version.
EXONYM n. a name for a town in a foreign language.
EXOPODexopod n. (Zoology) The outer ramus of a biramous limb of a crustacean.
EXOPOD n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPODITE.
EXOTICexotic adj. Foreign, especially in an exciting way.
exotic adj. Non-native to the ecosystem.
exotic adj. (Finance) Being or relating to an option with features that make it more complex than commonly traded options.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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