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There are 13 six-letter words beginning with ENT

ENTAILentail v. (Transitive) To imply, require, or invoke.
entail v. (Transitive) To settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing, or on a person and his descendants or…
entail v. (Transitive, obsolete) To appoint hereditary possessor.
ENTAMEentame v. (Obsolete) To make tame, subdue, conquer, subjugate, enslave.
ENTAME v. (Shakespeare) to tame.
ENTERAentera n. Plural of enteron.
ENTERON n. (Greek) a body cavity in coelenterates.
ENTERSenters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enter.
enters n. Plural of enter.
Enters n. Plural of Enter.
ENTETEENTETE adj. (French) obstinate (of a male).
ENTICEentice v. (Transitive) To lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.
ENTICE v. to lead astray.
ENTIREentire adj. (Sometimes postpositive) Whole; complete.
entire adj. (Botany) Having a smooth margin without any indentation.
entire adj. (Botany) Consisting of a single piece, as a corolla.
ENTITYentity n. That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
entity n. The existence of something considered apart from its properties.
entity n. (Databases) Anything about which information or data can be stored in a database; in particular, an…
ENTOILentoil v. To capture with toils or nets; to ensnare.
ENTOIL v. to entangle or ensnare.
ENTOMBentomb v. (Transitive) To deposit in a tomb.
entomb v. (Figurative, transitive) To confine in restrictive surroundings.
ENTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also INTOMB.
ENTRAPentrap v. (Transitive) To catch in a trap or snare.
entrap v. (Transitive) To lure (someone), either into a dangerous situation, or into performing an illegal act.
ENTRAP v. to trap.
ENTREEentree n. Alternative form of entrée.
entrée n. (Chiefly Britain, French Canada, Australia, New Zealand, historical in the US and Canada) A smaller…
entrée n. (Chiefly US, Canada) The main course or main dish of a meal.
ENTREZENTREZ v. (French) come in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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