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There are 4 five-letter words beginning with EPO

EPOCHepoch n. A particular period of history, or of a person’s life, especially one considered noteworthy or remarkable.
epoch n. A notable event which marks the beginning of such a period.
epoch n. (Chronology, astronomy, computing) A specific instant in time, chosen as the point of reference or zero…
EPODEepode n. (Poetry) The after song; the part of a lyric ode which follows the strophe and antistrophe.
epode n. (Poetry) A kind of lyric poem, invented by Archilochus, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
EPODE n. a genre of lyric poem, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
EPOPTepopt n. An initiate in the Eleusinian Mysteries; one who has attended the epopteia.
epopt n. One instructed in the mysteries of a secret system.
EPOPT n. someone initiated into the Eleusian mysteries.
EPOXYepoxy adj. (Chemistry) Derived from an epoxide.
epoxy n. A thermosetting polyepoxide resin used chiefly in strong adhesives, coatings and laminates; epoxy resin.
epoxy v. To glue with epoxy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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