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There are 19 fourteen-letter words beginning with END

ENDARTERECTOMYendarterectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure to remove plaque from an artery.
ENDARTERECTOMY n. surgical removal of arterial plaque.
ENDEAVOURMENTSendeavourments n. Plural of endeavourment.
ENDEAVOURMENT n. (Spenser) endeavour.
ENDOCARDITIDESendocarditides n. Plural of endocarditis.
ENDOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
ENDOCARDITISESendocarditises n. Plural of endocarditis.
ENDOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
ENDOCRINOLOGICendocrinologic adj. Of or pertaining to endocrinology.
ENDOCRINOLOGIC adj. involving or relating to the endocrine glands or secretions or to endocrinology.
ENDOCRINOPATHYendocrinopathy n. (Pathology) Any disease of the endocrine system.
ENDOCRINOPATHY n. any disease due to disorder of the endocrine system.
ENDODONTICALLYendodontically adv. By means of endodontics.
ENDODONTIC adv. relating to endodontics, a branch of dentistry concerned with diseases of the pulp.
ENDOMETRITISESENDOMETRITIS n. inflammation of the endometrium.
ENDOMYCORRHIZAendomycorrhiza n. (Ecology) A form of mycorrhiza in which the hyphae of the fungus penetrate the root cells.
ENDOMYCORRHIZA n. a type of fungus with hyphae that penetrate the cell wall and invaginate the cell membrane.
ENDOPARASITISMendoparasitism n. Behaviour of endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITISM n. the state of being an endoparasite, a parasite that lives inside an animal.
ENDOPEPTIDASESendopeptidases n. Plural of endopeptidase.
ENDOPEPTIDASE n. any of a group of enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds within the long chains of protein molecules.
ENDOPHYTICALLYendophytically adv. In an endophytic manner.
ENDOPHYTIC adv. of or like an endophyte, an endoparasitic plant, also ENDOPHITIC.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDYendopolyploidy n. The replication of chromosomes without the division of the cell nucleus; generates a polyploid nucleus.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDY n. a polyploid state in which the chromosomes have divided repeatedly without subsequent division of the nucleus or cell.
ENDORADIOSONDEendoradiosonde n. A radiopill.
ENDORADIOSONDE n. a miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion.
ENDOSCOPICALLYendoscopically adv. By means of an endoscope.
ENDOSCOPIC adv. relating to an endoscope.
ENDOSMOTICALLYendosmotically adv. By endosmosis.
ENDOSMOTIC adv. pertaining to endosmose.
ENDOTHELIOMATAendotheliomata n. Plural of endothelioma.
ENDOTHELIOMA n. a tumour of the endothelia.
ENDURABILITIESENDURABILITY n. the state of being endurable.
ENDURINGNESSESENDURINGNESS n. the state of being enduring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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