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There are 12 eleven-letter words beginning with ECT

ECTOBLASTICectoblastic adj. Of or relating to the ectoblast.
ECTOBLASTIC adj. relating to the ectoblast, the outer layer of the blastoderm.
ECTOENZYMESectoenzymes n. Plural of ectoenzyme.
ECTOENZYME n. an exoenzyme, an enzyme that functions outside the cell producing it.
ECTOGENESESECTOGENESIS n. variation in response to outside conditions.
ECTOGENESISectogenesis n. The development of an organism in an artificial environment outside the body in which it naturally grows.
ECTOGENESIS n. variation in response to outside conditions.
ECTOGENETICectogenetic adj. Relating to ectogenesis.
ECTOGENETIC adj. produced by or characteristic of ectogenesis.
ECTOMORPHICectomorphic adj. Of or pertaining to an ectomorph.
ECTOMORPHIC adj. being slender and thin.
ECTOPICALLYectopically adv. In an ectopic manner.
ECTOPIC adv. relating to ectopia.
ECTOPLASMICectoplasmic adj. (Parapsychology) Relating to, or having the properties or appearance of, ectoplasm.
ECTOPLASMIC adj. of or like ectoplasm, also ECTOPLASTIC.
ECTOPLASTICectoplastic adj. (Dated) of, related to, or composed of ectoplasm; ectoplasmic.
ECTOPLASTIC adj. relating to ectoplasm, also ECTOPLASMIC.
ECTOTHERMICectothermic adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to an ectotherm; having a body temperature that varies depending on the outside temperature.
ECTOTHERMIC adj. cold-blooded.
ECTOTROPHICectotrophic adj. (Biology, of a parasite) That obtains nourishment from outside of its host.
ECTOTROPHIC adj. growing in a close web on the surface of the associated root.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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