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There are 10 ten-letter words beginning with ENE

ENERGETICSenergetics n. (Physics, chemistry) The field of study focused on the flow and transformation of energy.
energetics n. The flow and transformation of energy within a specific system or device.
ENERGETICS n. that branch of science which treats of the laws governing the physical or mechanical, in distinction from the vital, forces.
ENERGISERSenergisers n. Plural of energiser.
ENERGISER n. something that energises, also ENERGIZER.
ENERGISINGenergising v. Present participle of energise.
ENERGISE v. to give energy to, also ENERGIZE.
ENERGIZERSenergizers n. Plural of energizer.
ENERGIZER n. something that energizes, also ENERGISER.
ENERGIZINGenergizing v. Present participle of energize.
ENERGIZE v. to give energy to, also ENERGISE.
ENERGUMENSenergumens n. Plural of energumen.
ENERGUMEN n. (obsolete) a person supposedly possessed by an evil spirit.
ENERVATINGenervating v. Present participle of enervate.
enervating adj. That enervates.
ENERVATE v. to weaken, to debilitate.
ENERVATIONenervation n. Act of enervating; debilitation.
enervation n. State of being enervated; debility.
ENERVATION n. the act of weakening, or reducing strength.
ENERVATIVEenervative adj. Causing enervation.
ENERVATIVE adj. having power, or a tendency, to enervate.
ENERVATORSenervators n. Plural of enervator.
ENERVATOR n. something that enervates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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