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There are 13 eleven-letter words beginning with ED

EDAPHICALLYedaphically adv. In terms of soil conditions.
EDAPHIC adv. pertaining to the soil.
EDELWEISSESedelweisses n. Plural of edelweiss.
EDELWEISS n. (German) a white Alpine flower of the composite family.
EDIBILITIESedibilities n. Plural of edibility.
EDIBILITY n. the quality of being edible.
EDIFICATIONedification n. The act of edifying, or the state of being edified or improved; a building process, especially morally…
edification n. (Archaic) A building or edifice.
EDIFICATION n. an act of edifying.
EDIFICATORYedificatory adj. Tending to edification.
EDIFICATORY adj. giving edification.
EDITORIALLYeditorially adv. In the manner of an editor.
editorially adv. In the manner of an editorial.
EDITORIAL adv. relating to editors.
EDITORSHIPSeditorships n. Plural of editorship.
EDITORSHIP n. the office or charge of an editor.
EDUCABILITYeducability n. (Uncountable) The state of being educable.
educability n. (Countable) The degree to which someone is educable.
EDUCABILITY n. the capacity to be educated.
EDUCATIONALeducational adj. Of, or relating to education.
educational adj. Instructive, or helping to educate.
educational n. A free (or low cost) trip for travel consultants, provided by a travel operator or airline as a means…
EDULCORATEDedulcorated v. Simple past tense and past participle of edulcorate.
EDULCORATE v. to make pleasant, sweeten.
EDULCORATESedulcorates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of edulcorate.
EDULCORATE v. to make pleasant, sweeten.
EDULCORATORedulcorator n. A device used to supply small quantities of sweetened liquid, water, etc., to any mixture, or to test…
EDULCORATOR n. an agent that edulcorates.
EDUTAINMENTedutainment n. A form of programming (cinematic, television, live action, games or any material) that provides both…
EDUTAINMENT n. education combined with entertainment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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