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There are 15 words beginning with DICA

DICACIOUSdicacious adj. (Rare) Talkative; pert; saucy.
DICACIOUS adj. talkative; pert; saucy.
DICACITIESdicacities n. Plural of dicacity.
DICACITY n. (archaic) raillery, banter.
DICACITYdicacity n. (Obsolete) pertness; sauciness.
DICACITY n. (archaic) raillery, banter.
DICACODYLdicacodyl n. Cacodyl.
DICACODYL n. an oily poisonous liquid, aka cacodyl.
DICACODYLSDICACODYL n. an oily poisonous liquid, aka cacodyl.
DICALCIUMdicalcium n. (Chemistry) Two atoms of calcium in a compound.
DICALCIUM adj. as in dicalcium silicate, a calcium silicate that is an essential ingredient of portland cement.
DICAMBAdicamba n. The herbicide 3,6-Dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid used to control weeds in cereal crops.
DICAMBA n. a type of weedkiller.
DICAMBASDICAMBA n. a type of weedkiller.
DICARBOXYLICdicarboxylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Having two carboxylic groups.
DICARBOXYLIC adj. containing two carboxyl groups in the molecule.
DICARPELLARYDICARPELLARY adj. of or with two carpels.
DICASTdicast n. (Historical) A juror in ancient Athens.
DICAST n. (historical) one of the 6000 Athenians chosen annually to act as judges, also DIKAST.
DICASTERIESdicasteries n. Plural of dicastery.
DICASTERY n. a court of justice; a judgment hall.
DICASTERYdicastery n. A ministry or department of the Roman Curia of the Holy See, whether administrative or ecclesiastical.
dicastery n. A judicial body of the ancient Athenian state, made up of dicasts.
DICASTERY n. a court of justice; a judgment hall.
DICASTICdicastic adj. Of or relating to a dicast.
DICASTIC adj. relating to the old Athenian dicast system of choosing jurors.
DICASTSdicasts n. Plural of dicast.
DICAST n. (historical) one of the 6000 Athenians chosen annually to act as judges, also DIKAST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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