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There are 17 words beginning with CONTRAR

CONTRARIANcontrarian n. A person who likes or tends to express a contradicting viewpoint, especially one who denounces the majority…
contrarian n. (Finance) A financial investor who tends to have an opinion of market trends at variance with most others.
contrarian adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of a contrarian.
CONTRARIANISMcontrarianism n. Beliefs and practices of a contrarian.
CONTRARIANISMScontrarianisms n. Plural of contrarianism.
CONTRARIANScontrarians n. Plural of contrarian.
CONTRARIAN n. a person who takes a contrary view, esp. in journalism or politics.
CONTRARIEDcontraried v. Simple past tense and past participle of contrary.
CONTRARY v. to oppose, contradict.
CONTRARIEScontraries n. Plural of contrary.
CONTRARY v. to oppose, contradict.
CONTRARIETIEScontrarieties n. Plural of contrariety.
contrarieties n. Plural of contrarietie.
CONTRARIETY n. the state of being contrary.
CONTRARIETYcontrariety n. Opposition or contrariness; cross-purposes, marked contrast.
CONTRARIETY n. the state of being contrary.
CONTRARILYcontrarily adv. In a contrary manner; in opposite ways or directions.
CONTRARY adv. opposite; in an opposite direction, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARIOUS.
CONTRARINESScontrariness n. The state of being contrary.
CONTRARINESS n. the state of being contrary.
CONTRARINESSEScontrarinesses n. Plural of contrariness.
CONTRARINESS n. the state of being contrary.
CONTRARIOUScontrarious adj. (Archaic, of persons) Tending to counter, oppose, resist, argue.
contrarious adj. (Archaic, of things) Harmful, vexatious.
CONTRARIOUS adj. (archaic) contrary, perverse, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARY.
CONTRARIOUSLYcontrariously adv. (Obsolete) Contrarily; oppositely.
CONTRARIOUS adv. (archaic) contrary, perverse, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARY.
CONTRARIOUSNESScontrariousness n. The state or quality of being contrarious.
CONTRARIOUS n. (archaic) contrary, perverse, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARY.
CONTRARIWISEcontrariwise adv. (Literary) in the contrary or opposite way, order, or direction.
contrariwise adv. (Literary) on the other hand.
CONTRARIWISE adj. on the contrary.
CONTRARYcontrary adj. Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse.
contrary adj. Opposed; contradictory; inconsistent.
contrary adj. Given to opposition; perverse; wayward.
CONTRARYINGcontrarying v. Present participle of contrary.
CONTRARY v. to oppose, contradict.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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