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There are 9 words beginning with COGNITI

COGNITIONcognition n. The process of knowing, of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought and through the senses.
cognition n. (Countable) A result of a cognitive process.
COGNITION n. the process of knowing, including sensation, perception, etc., distinguished from emotion and conation.
COGNITIVEcognitive adj. Relating to the part of mental functions that deals with logic, as opposed to affective which deals with emotions.
cognitive adj. Intellectual.
cognitive adj. (Linguistics, rare, obsolete) Cognate; which is to be recognized as cognate.
COGNITIONScognitions n. Plural of cognition.
COGNITION n. the process of knowing, including sensation, perception, etc., distinguished from emotion and conation.
COGNITIONALcognitional adj. Of or pertaining to cognition.
COGNITIONAL adj. relating to cognition.
COGNITIVELYcognitively adv. Relating to thinking (cognition).
COGNITIVE adv. capable of, or pertaining to, cognition.
COGNITIVISMcognitivism n. (Philosophy) The view that ethical sentences express propositions and are therefore capable of being true or false.
cognitivism n. (Art) The view that a work of art is valuable if it contributes to knowledge.
cognitivism n. (Psychology) The view that mental function can be understood as the internal manipulation of symbols…
COGNITIVITYCOGNITIVITY n. the state of being cognitive.
COGNITIVISMSCOGNITIVISM n. the metaethical thesis that moral judgments state facts and so are either true or false.
COGNITIVITIESCOGNITIVITY n. the state of being cognitive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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