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There are 12 words beginning with COSTUM

COSTUMEcostume n. A style of dress, including garments, accessories and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular…
costume n. An outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress etc.
costume n. A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season.
COSTUMEDcostumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of costume.
costumed adj. Wearing a costume; disguised.
COSTUME v. to dress.
COSTUMERcostumer n. A person who designs, makes or supplies theatrical costumes; a costumier.
costumer n. A person who wears a costume or takes part in cosplay.
costumer n. (Informal) A costume drama.
COSTUMERIEScostumeries n. Plural of costumery.
COSTUMERY n. costumes taken collectively.
COSTUMERScostumers n. Plural of costumer.
COSTUMER n. one who makes or deals in costumes, as for theaters, fancy balls, etc., also COSTUMIER.
COSTUMERYcostumery n. Costumes in general.
COSTUMERY n. costumes taken collectively.
COSTUMEScostumes n. Plural of costume.
costumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of costume.
COSTUME v. to dress.
COSTUMEYcostumey adj. (Informal, of clothing) Overly elaborate, like a costume.
COSTUMEY adj. pertaining to a costume.
COSTUMIERcostumier n. A person who supplies or designs costumes.
COSTUMIER n. one who makes or deals in costumes, as for theaters, fancy balls, etc., also COSTUMER.
COSTUMIERScostumiers n. Plural of costumier.
COSTUMIER n. one who makes or deals in costumes, as for theaters, fancy balls, etc., also COSTUMER.
COSTUMINGcostuming v. Present participle of costume.
costuming n. Material for making costumes.
costuming n. The putting on of a costume; dressing up.
COSTUMINGScostumings n. Plural of costuming.
COSTUMING n. the act of dressing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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