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There are 14 words beginning with COPULA

COPULAcopula n. (Linguistics, grammar) A word, usually a verb, used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate…
copula n. (Statistics) A function that represents the association between two or more variables, independent of…
copula n. (Music) A device that connects two or more keyboards of an organ.
COPULAEcopulae n. Plural of copula.
COPULA n. (Latin) something which joins together.
COPULARcopular adj. (Grammar) Being or relating to a copula.
COPULAR adj. relating to a copula.
COPULAScopulas n. Plural of copula.
COPULA n. (Latin) something which joins together.
COPULATEcopulate v. (Somewhat formal) To engage in sexual intercourse.
copulate adj. (Obsolete) Joined; associated; coupled.
copulate adj. (Grammar) Joining subject and predicate; copulative.
COPULATEDcopulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of copulate.
COPULATE v. to have sexual intercourse with.
COPULATEScopulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of copulate.
COPULATE v. to have sexual intercourse with.
COPULATINGcopulating v. Present participle of copulate.
COPULATE v. to have sexual intercourse with.
COPULATIONcopulation n. (Countable) The act of coupling or joining; union; conjunction.
copulation n. (Uncountable) Sexual procreation between a man and a woman or transfer of the sperm from male to female;…
COPULATION n. the act of copulating.
COPULATIONScopulations n. Plural of copulation.
COPULATION n. the act of copulating.
COPULATIVEcopulative adj. Of or pertaining to copulation.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That acts as a copula.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That connects the subject of a clause with its complement.
COPULATIVELYcopulatively adv. In a copulative manner.
COPULATIVE adv. uniting.
COPULATIVEScopulatives n. Plural of copulative.
COPULATIVE n. a conjunction that indicates combination e.g. 'and'.
COPULATORYcopulatory adj. Pertaining to copulation.
COPULATORY adj. relating to copulation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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