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There are 19 words beginning with CONSEC

CONSECRATEconsecrate v. (Transitive) To declare something holy, or make it holy by some procedure.
consecrate v. (Transitive, Roman Catholicism, specifically) To ordain as a bishop.
consecrate adj. Consecrated; devoted; dedicated; sacred.
CONSECRATEDconsecrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of consecrate.
CONSECRATE v. to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite.
CONSECRATEDNESSconsecratedness n. The property of having been consecrated.
CONSECRATEDNESS n. the state of being consecrated.
CONSECRATESconsecrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of consecrate.
CONSECRATE v. to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite.
CONSECRATINGconsecrating v. Present participle of consecrate.
CONSECRATE v. to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite.
CONSECRATIONconsecration n. The act or ceremony of consecrating; the state of being consecrated; dedication.
CONSECRATION n. the act or ceremony of consecrating.
CONSECRATIONSconsecrations n. Plural of consecration.
CONSECRATION n. the act or ceremony of consecrating.
CONSECRATIVEconsecrative adj. Relating to consecration.
CONSECRATIVE adj. serving to consecrate, also CONSECRATORY.
CONSECRATORconsecrator n. A person who consecrates.
CONSECRATOR n. one who consecrates.
CONSECRATORSconsecrators n. Plural of consecrator.
CONSECRATOR n. one who consecrates.
CONSECRATORYconsecratory adj. That consecrates.
consecratory adj. Of or pertaining to consecration.
CONSECRATORY adj. serving to consecrate, also CONSECRATIVE.
CONSECTANEOUSconsectaneous adj. Following as a matter of course.
CONSECTANEOUS adj. following by logical consequence.
CONSECTARIESconsectaries n. Plural of consectary.
CONSECTARY n. (archaic) a deduction; conclusion or corollary.
CONSECTARYconsectary n. That which follows by consequence or is logically deducible.
consectary n. Deduction from premises; a corollary.
consectary n. (Rare, chiefly archaic) A conclusion of any kind.
CONSECUTIONconsecution n. (Archaic) A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence.
consecution n. (Obsolete) A succession or series of any kind.
consecution n. (Archaic) Sequence.
CONSECUTIONSconsecutions n. Plural of consecution.
CONSECUTION n. the logical sequence or progression of an argument.
CONSECUTIVEconsecutive adj. Following, in succession, without interruption.
consecutive adj. Having some logical sequence.
consecutive n. (Music, countable) A sequence of notes or chords that results from repeated shifts in pitch of the same interval.
CONSECUTIVELYconsecutively adv. In a consecutive manner; without interruption.
CONSECUTIVE adv. following one after the other in order.
CONSECUTIVENESSconsecutiveness n. The state or quality of being consecutive.
CONSECUTIVENESS n. the state of being consecutive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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