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There are 15 words beginning with COERCI

COERCIBLEcoercible adj. Susceptible to coercion.
COERCIBLE adj. capable of being coerced.
COERCIBLYcoercibly adv. (Uncommon, possibly erroneous) Coercively; in a way that is coercive; by coercion.
coercibly adv. (Rare, possibly erroneous) As a result of coercion; having been coerced; in a coerced manner.
COERCIBLE adv. capable of being coerced.
COERCIMETERcoercimeter n. An instrument for measuring magnetic coercivity.
COERCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring coercive force.
COERCIMETERScoercimeters n. Plural of coercimeter.
COERCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring coercive force.
COERCINGcoercing v. Present participle of coerce.
COERCE v. to compel by force or threat.
COERCIONcoercion n. (Uncountable) Actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person; the act of coercing.
coercion n. (Law, uncountable) Use of physical or moral force to compel a person to do something, or to abstain…
coercion n. (Countable) A specific instance of coercing.
COERCIONISTcoercionist n. A person who practices, or advocates coercion (or government by coercion).
COERCIONIST n. one who believe in government by force.
COERCIONISTScoercionists n. Plural of coercionist.
COERCIONIST n. one who believe in government by force.
COERCIONScoercions n. Plural of coercion.
COERCION n. the act of coercing.
COERCIVEcoercive adj. Displaying a tendency or intent to coerce.
coercive adj. (Mathematics, of a function F) Such that the ratio of |F(x)| to x approaches infinity as x approaches infinity.
COERCIVE adj. serving or intended to coerce.
COERCIVELYcoercively adv. In a coercive manner.
COERCIVE adv. serving or intended to coerce.
COERCIVENESScoerciveness n. The state or quality of being coercive.
COERCIVENESS n. the state of being coercive.
COERCIVENESSESCOERCIVENESS n. the state of being coercive.
COERCIVITIEScoercivities n. Plural of coercivity.
COERCIVITY n. the quality of being coercive.
COERCIVITYcoercivity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being coercive.
coercivity n. (Physics, materials science) The intensity of the magnetic field which must be applied in order to reduce…
COERCIVITY n. the quality of being coercive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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