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There are 10 words beginning with CINERA

CINERARYcinerary adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing ashes, especially those of a cremated person.
CINERARY adj. pertaining to ashes, esp. of a cremated body.
CINERAMICCINERAMIC adj. relating to Cinerama, a method of film projection used in the cinema.
CINERARIAcineraria n. Plural of cinerarium.
cineraria n. (Botany) Any of the genus Cineraria of flowering plants in the sunflower family.
cineraria n. Any of the garden flowers in the species Pericallis × hybrida (formerly classified in the genus Cineraria).
CINERATORcinerator n. A furnace used to convert dead bodies to ashes.
CINERATOR n. an incinerator at a crematorium.
CINERARIAScinerarias n. Plural of cineraria.
CINERARIA n. any of various garden hybrids with ashy down on the leaves.
CINERARIUMcinerarium n. A place or receptacle for depositing the ashes of cremated people.
CINERARIUM n. (Latin) a place to receive the ashes of the cremated dead.
CINERATIONcineration n. The reducing of anything to ashes by combustion; cinefaction.
CINERATION n. the reducing of anything to ashes by combustion.
CINERATORScinerators n. Plural of cinerator.
CINERATOR n. an incinerator at a crematorium.
CINERARIUMScinerariums n. Plural of cinerarium.
CINERARIUM n. (Latin) a place to receive the ashes of the cremated dead.
CINERATIONSCINERATION n. the reducing of anything to ashes by combustion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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