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There are 13 words beginning with CHAMPA

CHAMPACchampac n. A type of Asian tree with fragrant blossoms, Magnolia champaca.
CHAMPAC n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPACA, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPAKchampak n. Alternative form of champac (Magnolia champaca).
CHAMPAK n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPACA.
CHAMPASchampas n. The native peat of Peru.
Champas prop.n. Plural of Champa.
CHAMPAS n. (colloq.) champagne.
CHAMPACAchampaca n. (Philippines) champac; Magnolia champaca; a large evergreen tree in the Magnoliaceae family.
CHAMPACA n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPACSchampacs n. Plural of champac.
CHAMPAC n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPACA, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPAKSchampaks n. Plural of champak.
CHAMPAK n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPACA.
CHAMPARTchampart n. (Historical) The division of the produce of land, the right of the feudal lord.
CHAMPART n. the division of the produce of land, the right of the feudal lord.
CHAMPACASchampacas n. Plural of champaca.
CHAMPACA n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPAGNEchampagne n. (Countable, uncountable) A sparkling white wine made from a blend of grapes, especially Chardonnay and…
champagne n. (Countable, uncountable, informal) Any sparkling wine made by the méthode champenoise.
champagne n. (Countable, uncountable, informal) Any sparkling white wine.
CHAMPAIGNchampaign n. (Geography, archaic) Open countryside, or an area of open countryside.
champaign n. (Obsolete) A battlefield.
champaign adj. Pertaining to open countryside; unforested, flat.
CHAMPARTSchamparts n. Plural of champart.
CHAMPART n. the division of the produce of land, the right of the feudal lord.
CHAMPAGNESchampagnes n. Plural of champagne.
Champagnes n. Plural of Champagne. (Alternative letter-case form of champagnes.)
CHAMPAGNE n. a posh sort of wine.
CHAMPAIGNSchampaigns n. Plural of champaign.
CHAMPAIGN n. an expanse of level, open country, a plain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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