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There are 7 words beginning with CAROTI

CAROTIDcarotid n. (Anatomy) Either of the two main arteries that supply blood to the head of which the left in humans…
carotid adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the carotid artery.
CAROTID n. a large artery that supplies blood to the head and neck.
CAROTIDALcarotidal adj. Of or relating to the carotid arteries.
CAROTIDAL adj. relating to the carotid artery.
CAROTIDScarotids n. Plural of carotid.
CAROTID n. a large artery that supplies blood to the head and neck.
CAROTINcarotin n. (Organic chemistry) A red crystallizable tasteless substance extracted from the carrot.
CAROTIN n. any of a number of reddish-yellow pigments widely distributed in plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body, also CAROTENE, CARROTIN.
CAROTINOIDcarotinoid n. Dated form of carotenoid.
CAROTINOID n. any of a group of pigments similar to carotenes, found in plant and some animal tissues, also CAROTENOID.
CAROTINOIDScarotinoids n. Plural of carotinoid.
CAROTINOID n. any of a group of pigments similar to carotenes, found in plant and some animal tissues, also CAROTENOID.
CAROTINScarotins n. Plural of carotin.
CAROTIN n. any of a number of reddish-yellow pigments widely distributed in plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body, also CAROTENE, CARROTIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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