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List of 12-letter words beginning with

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There are 13 twelve-letter words beginning with COMMEN

COMMENCEMENTcommencement n. The first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing; the beginning.
commencement n. The day when degrees are conferred by colleges and universities upon students and others.
commencement n. A graduation ceremony, from a school, college or university.
COMMENDATIONcommendation n. The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; recommendation.
commendation n. That which is the ground of approbation or praise.
commendation n. A message of affection or respect; compliments; greeting.
COMMENDATORScommendators n. Plural of commendator.
COMMENDATOR n. a person who holds a benefice in commendam; a titular abbot, etc.
COMMENDATORYcommendatory adj. Serving to commend or compliment; complimentary.
commendatory adj. Holding a benefice in commendam.
commendatory n. (Obsolete) That which commends; a commendation; eulogy.
COMMENSALISMcommensalism n. (Ecology) A sharing of the same environment by two organisms where one species benefits and the other…
commensalism n. The act of eating together; table fellowship.
COMMENSALISM n. a relation between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging or benefiting it.
COMMENSALITYcommensality n. The act of eating together.
COMMENSALITY n. dining as a group.
COMMENSURATEcommensurate adj. Of a proportionate or similar measurable standard.
commensurate adj. (Physics) Describing a crystal in which every atom or molecule is placed in the same relative position.
commensurate v. To reduce to a common measure.
COMMENTARIALcommentarial adj. Relating to a commentary.
COMMENTARIAL adj. of or like a commentary.
COMMENTARIATcommentariat n. (Informal) All the pundits and commentators of the news media collectively.
COMMENTARIAT n. the group of people who provide opinion and analysis of events in the news.
COMMENTARIEScommentaries n. Plural of commentary.
COMMENTARY n. an explanatory treatise.
COMMENTATINGcommentating v. Present participle of commentate.
COMMENTATE v. to give a commentary on.
COMMENTATIONcommentation n. The act of making comments.
commentation n. The work of a commentator.
commentation n. (Programming) Utilization of comments in source code.
COMMENTATORScommentators n. Plural of commentator.
Commentators n. Plural of Commentator.
COMMENTATOR n. one who gives a commentary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 34 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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