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There are 14 words beginning with COLOS

COLOSSIcolossi n. Plural of colossus.
COLOSSUS n. (Latin) a person or organization of gigantic power and influence.
COLOSSALcolossal adj. Extremely large or on a great scale.
colossal adj. Amazingly spectacular; extraordinary; epic.
COLOSSAL adj. of enormous size.
COLOSSUScolossus n. A statue of gigantic size. The name was especially applied to certain famous statues in antiquity, as…
colossus n. (By extension) Any creature or thing of gigantic size.
colossus n. (Figurative) Somebody or something very greatly admired and respected.
COLOSSEUMcolosseum n. Alternative spelling of coliseum.
Colosseum prop.n. The largest stadium in the Roman empire, located near the center of Rome.
COLOSSEUM n. a large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment, also COLISEUM.
COLOSTOMYcolostomy n. (Surgery) An incision into the colon to allow for drainage; the opening produced in such incision.
COLOSTOMY n. a surgical incision in the colon to provide an artificial anus through the abdominal wall in cases of stricture etc.
COLOSTRALcolostral adj. Relating to colostrum.
COLOSTRAL adj. relating to colostrum, also COLOSTRIC, COLOSTROUS.
COLOSTRICcolostric adj. Of or relating to colostrum.
COLOSTRIC adj. relating to colostrum, also COLOSTRAL, COLOSTROUS.
COLOSTRUMcolostrum n. (Medicine) A form of milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the few days after giving…
colostrum n. A mixture of turpentine and egg yolk, formerly used as an emulsion.
COLOSTRUM n. (Latin) milk secreted for a few days after parturition, characterised by high protein and antibody content.
COLOSSALLYcolossally adv. In a colossal manner, or to a colossal extent.
COLOSSAL adv. of enormous size.
COLOSSEUMScolosseums n. Plural of colosseum.
COLOSSEUM n. a large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment, also COLISEUM.
COLOSSUSEScolossuses n. Plural of colossus.
COLOSSUS n. (Latin) a person or organization of gigantic power and influence.
COLOSTROUScolostrous adj. Of or relating to colostrum.
COLOSTROUS adj. relating to colostrum, also COLOSTRAL, COLOSTRIC.
COLOSTRUMScolostrums n. Plural of colostrum.
COLOSTRUM n. (Latin) milk secreted for a few days after parturition, characterised by high protein and antibody content.
COLOSTOMIEScolostomies n. Plural of colostomy.
COLOSTOMY n. a surgical incision in the colon to provide an artificial anus through the abdominal wall in cases of stricture etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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