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There are 17 words beginning with COCKE

COCKEDcocked adj. (Informal) Drunk.
cocked adj. (Vulgar, in combination) Having a specified form of penis or a specific number of penises.
cocked adj. (Firearms) Of a firearm or crossbow; to have the cock lifted or prepared to be fired.
COCKERcocker n. One who breeds gamecocks or engages in the sport of cockfighting.
cocker n. (Dated) One who hunts woodcocks.
cocker n. (Colloquial) A cocker spaniel, either of two breeds of dogs originally bred for hunting woodcocks.
COCKETcocket n. (UK, obsolete) A document issued by the bond office stating that duty has been paid and goods may be sold.
cocket n. (UK, obsolete) An office in a customhouse where goods intended for export are entered.
cocket adj. (Obsolete) pert; saucy.
COCKERScockers n. Plural of cocker.
COCKER v. to pamper; to indulge.
COCKETScockets n. Plural of cocket.
COCKET n. an official shipping seal; a customs clearance form.
COCKEYEcockeye n. An eye affected by strabismus.
cockeye n. (Engineering) The socket in the ball of a millstone, which sits on the cockhead.
cock-eye n. Alternative form of cockeye.
COCKEREDcockered v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocker.
COCKER v. to pamper; to indulge.
COCKERELcockerel n. A young male chicken.
COCKEREL n. a young rooster.
COCKEYEDcockeyed adj. Having both eyes oriented inward, cross-eyed.
cockeyed adj. Crooked or askew.
cockeyed adj. (Informal) Absurd, silly, or stupid; usually used in reference to ideas rather than people.
COCKEYEScockeyes n. Plural of cockeye.
cock-eyes n. Plural of cock-eye.
cock␣eyes n. Plural of cock eye.
COCKERELScockerels n. Plural of cockerel.
COCKEREL n. a young rooster.
COCKERINGcockering v. Present participle of cocker.
COCKER v. to pamper; to indulge.
COCKERNONYcockernony n. (Scotland, obsolete) The bunch of hair folded up in a snood worn by a woman.
COCKERNONY n. (Scots) the gathering of hair in a fillet.
COCKEYEDLYcockeyedly adv. In a cockeyed manner.
COCKEYED adv. having a cockeye.
COCKERNONIEScockernonies n. Plural of cockernony.
COCKERNONY n. (Scots) the gathering of hair in a fillet.
COCKEYEDNESScockeyedness n. The quality of being cockeyed.
COCKEYEDNESS n. the state of being cockeyed.
COCKEYEDNESSESCOCKEYEDNESS n. the state of being cockeyed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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