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There are 19 words beginning with CLERI

CLERICcleric n. A member of the clergy.
cleric n. (Role-playing games) A spellcaster class that receives their spells (especially healing) from their deity.
cleric adj. (Now uncommon) Of or pertaining to the clergy.
CLERICALclerical adj. Of or relating to clerks or their work.
clerical adj. Of or relating to the clergy.
clerical n. (Now uncommon) A member of the clergy.
CLERICALISMclericalism n. Political or secular power invested in members of the clergy.
CLERICALISM n. a policy of maintaining or increasing the power of a religious hierarchy.
CLERICALISMSclericalisms n. Plural of clericalism.
CLERICALISM n. a policy of maintaining or increasing the power of a religious hierarchy.
CLERICALISTclericalist adj. Of or pertaining to clericalism.
clericalist n. An advocate of clericalism.
CLERICALIST n. one who favors maintained or increased ecclesiastical power and influence.
CLERICALISTSclericalists n. Plural of clericalist.
CLERICALIST n. one who favors maintained or increased ecclesiastical power and influence.
CLERICALLYclerically adv. In a clerical manner; as a cleric.
CLERICAL adv. like a cleric.
CLERICALSclericals n. Plural of clerical.
CLERICAL n. a member of the clergy, also CLERIC.
CLERICATEclericate n. Clerical position; the rank or state of clergy.
CLERICATE n. the position of a clergyman.
CLERICATESclericates n. Plural of clericate.
CLERICATE n. the position of a clergyman.
CLERICITIESCLERICITY n. the state of being a clergyman.
CLERICITYclericity n. The state of belonging to the clergy.
CLERICITY n. the state of being a clergyman.
CLERICSclerics n. Plural of cleric.
CLERIC n. a member of the clergy, also CLERICAL.
CLERIDclerid n. A beetle in the family Cleridae.
CLERID n. a predatory beetle.
CLERIDSclerids n. Plural of clerid.
CLERID n. a predatory beetle.
CLERIHEWclerihew n. A humorous rhyme of four lines with the rhyming scheme AABB, usually regarding a person mentioned in the first line.
Clerihew n. Alternative letter-case form of clerihew.
CLERIHEW n. a light verse quatrain rhyming AABB and usually dealing with a person named in the initial rhyme.
CLERIHEWSclerihews n. Plural of clerihew.
Clerihews n. Plural of Clerihew. (Alternative letter-case form of clerihews.)
CLERIHEW n. a light verse quatrain rhyming AABB and usually dealing with a person named in the initial rhyme.
CLERISIESclerisies n. Plural of clerisy.
CLERISY n. scholars and educated people as a class.
CLERISYclerisy n. An elite group of intellectuals; learned people, the literati.
clerisy n. The clergy, or their opinions, as opposed to the laity.
CLERISY n. scholars and educated people as a class.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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