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There are 17 words beginning with CHOIR

CHOIRchoir n. A group of people who sing together; a company of people who are trained to sing together.
choir n. (Architecture) The part of a church where the choir assembles for song.
choir n. (Christian angelology) One of the nine ranks or orders of angels.
CHOIRSchoirs n. Plural of choir.
CHOIR v. to sing in chorus.
CHOIREDchoired v. Simple past tense and past participle of choir.
CHOIR v. to sing in chorus.
CHOIRBOYchoirboy n. A boy chorister.
choirboy n. (Figurative) A piously innocent person.
choir␣boy n. Alternative form of choirboy.
CHOIRINGchoiring v. Present participle of choir.
CHOIR v. to sing in chorus.
CHOIRMANchoirman n. A male chorister (in a church choir).
CHOIRMAN n. a male chorister.
CHOIRMENchoirmen n. Plural of choirman.
CHOIRMAN n. a male chorister.
CHOIRBOYSchoirboys n. Plural of choirboy.
choir␣boys n. Plural of choir boy.
CHOIRBOY n. a boy who sings in a church choir.
CHOIRGIRLchoirgirl n. A girl who sings in a choir.
CHOIRGIRL n. a female member of a choir.
CHOIRLIKEchoirlike adj. Resembling a choir or its sound.
CHOIRLIKE adj. like a choir.
CHOIRGIRLSchoirgirls n. Plural of choirgirl.
CHOIRGIRL n. a female member of a choir.
CHOIRSTALLchoirstall n. A row of seats for the choir in a church.
CHOIRSTALL n. one of the benches for the choir of a church, cathedral, etc.
CHOIRMASTERchoirmaster n. The musical director of a choir, who conducts performances and supervises rehearsal.
CHOIRMASTER n. the leader of a choir.
CHOIRSCREENchoirscreen n. Alternative form of choir screen.
choir␣screen n. Synonym of rood screen.
CHOIRSCREEN n. a screen of latticework, separating the choir from the nave.
CHOIRSTALLSchoirstalls n. Plural of choirstall.
CHOIRSTALL n. one of the benches for the choir of a church, cathedral, etc.
CHOIRMASTERSchoirmasters n. Plural of choirmaster.
CHOIRMASTER n. the leader of a choir.
CHOIRSCREENSchoirscreens n. Plural of choirscreen.
choir␣screens n. Plural of choir screen.
CHOIRSCREEN n. a screen of latticework, separating the choir from the nave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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