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There are 12 words beginning with CHINO

CHINOchino n. A coarse cotton fabric commonly used to make trousers and uniforms.
Chino prop.n. A surname.
Chino prop.n. A city in San Bernardino County, California, United States.
CHINOISchinois n. (Cooking) A fine-meshed conical strainer.
CHINOIS n. (French) a cone-shaped sieve.
CHINOISERIEchinoiserie n. (Art) A style in art, or an artistic object, that reflects the influence of Chinese art.
Chinoiserie n. Alternative letter-case form of chinoiserie.
CHINOISERIE n. (French) decoration, furniture etc. imitating Chinese design.
CHINOISERIESchinoiseries n. Plural of chinoiserie.
CHINOISERIE n. (French) decoration, furniture etc. imitating Chinese design.
CHINOISESchinoises n. Plural of chinois.
CHINOIS n. (French) a cone-shaped sieve.
CHINONEchinone n. (Chemistry) Dated form of quinone.
CHINONE n. a golden-yellow crystalline compound usually prepared by oxidizing aniline, also KINONE, QUINONE.
CHINONESchinones n. Plural of chinone.
CHINONE n. a golden-yellow crystalline compound usually prepared by oxidizing aniline, also KINONE, QUINONE.
CHINOOKchinook n. (Canada, US, physics, meteorology) The descending, warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains…
chinook n. The chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
Chinook prop.n. A Native American language of the Penutian family of Oregon and Washington.
CHINOOKSchinooks n. Plural of chinook.
Chinooks n. Plural of Chinook.
CHINOOK n. (Native American) a warm dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains.
CHINOSchinos n. Trousers made from chino.
Chinos prop.n. Plural of Chino.
CHINO n. (Spanish) a strong twilled cotton cloth, usually khaki-coloured.
CHINOVNIKchinovnik n. A bureaucrat in the Tsarist Russian government.
CHINOVNIK n. (Russian) a high official in the Russian civil service.
CHINOVNIKSchinovniks n. Plural of chinovnik.
CHINOVNIK n. (Russian) a high official in the Russian civil service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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