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There are 10 words beginning with CAUDA

CAUDACAUDA n. the area behind an animal's anus.
CAUDADcaudad adv. (Zoology) backwards; toward the tail or posterior part.
caudad adv. (Anatomy) towards the feet (only in humans); inferior.
CAUDAD adv. towards the tail.
CAUDAECAUDA n. the area behind an animal's anus.
CAUDALcaudal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the tail or posterior or hind part of a body.
caudal adj. (Anatomical terms of location and direction) Toward the tail end (hind end) of the body; in bipeds such…
caudal n. A caudal vertebra.
CAUDALLYcaudally adv. In a caudal manner; with regard to a tail.
CAUDAL adv. of or pertaining to the tail.
CAUDATEcaudate adj. (Botany) Tapering into a long, tail-like extension at the apex.
caudate adj. (Zoology) Having a tail.
caudate adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Caudata order of amphibians.
CAUDATEDcaudated adj. Having a tail, or a termination resembling a tail; caudate.
CAUDATED adj. having a tail.
CAUDATEScaudates n. Plural of caudate.
CAUDATE n. a creature with a tail.
CAUDATIONcaudation n. The property of having a caudate extension or tail.
caudation n. A caudate extension or tail.
caudation n. (Medicine) A fibrous growth.
CAUDATIONScaudations n. Plural of caudation.
CAUDATION n. the state of being caudate, with a tail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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