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There are 17 words beginning with CASTE

CASTEcaste n. Any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies.
caste n. A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly associate with each other.
caste n. (Zoology) A class of polymorphous eusocial insects of a particular size and function within a colony.
CASTEDcasted adj. (Medicine) Set in a cast.
casted v. (Nonstandard) simple past tense and past participle of cast.
casted adj. Having membership in a caste.
CASTEISMcasteism n. Discrimination based on a person’s caste.
CASTEISM n. the caste system esp. in India.
CASTEISMScasteisms n. Plural of casteism.
CASTEISM n. the caste system esp. in India.
CASTELESScasteless adj. Without caste.
CASTELESS adj. without caste.
CASTELLAcastella n. Plural of castellum.
castella n. A Japanese sponge cake made of sugar, flour, eggs, and starch syrup.
CASTELLUM n. (Latin) a small Roman fort, a mile-castle.
CASTELLANcastellan n. (Obsolete) A feudal lord with a fortified manor.
castellan n. (Chiefly historical) The governor or caretaker entrusted to oversee a castle or keep for its lord.
CASTELLAN n. the governor of a castle or fortification, also CHATELAIN.
CASTELLANScastellans n. Plural of castellan.
CASTELLAN n. the governor of a castle or fortification, also CHATELAIN.
CASTELLATEDcastellated adj. Castle-like: built or shaped like a castle.
castellated adj. (Engineering) Having grooves or recesses on an upper face.
castellated adj. Castled: having or furnished with castles.
CASTELLATIONcastellation n. (Uncountable) The act or process of making a building into a castle.
castellation n. (Uncountable) The addition of battlements to a building, as for example when a feudal manor house needed…
castellation n. (Countable) Any of a set of slots or grooves in an object, often machined into a metal part, as for…
CASTELLATIONScastellations n. Plural of castellation.
CASTELLATION n. the state of being castellated, having battlements or turrets.
CASTELLUMcastellum n. (Historical) A small Roman detached fort or fortlet used as a watch tower or signal station.
CASTELLUM n. (Latin) a small Roman fort, a mile-castle.
CASTELLUMScastellums n. Plural of castellum.
CASTELLUM n. (Latin) a small Roman fort, a mile-castle.
CASTERcaster n. Someone or something that casts.
caster n. A wheeled assembly attached to a larger object at its base to facilitate rolling. A caster usually consists…
caster n. A shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling condiments such as sugar, salt, pepper, etc.
CASTEREDcastered v. Simple past tense and past participle of caster.
CASTERED adj. having casters, small swivelling wheels.
CASTERScasters n. Plural of caster.
Casters prop.n. Plural of Caster.
CASTER n. a small solid swivelling wheel attached to furniture enabling it to be easily moved, also CASTOR.
CASTEScastes n. Plural of caste.
CASTE n. a system of distinct social classes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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