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There are 14 words beginning with CANOE

CANOEcanoe n. A small long and narrow boat, propelled by one or more people (depending on the size of canoe), using…
canoe n. (Slang) An oversize, usually older, luxury car.
canoe n. (Gambling) Any of the deflectors positioned around a roulette wheel, shaped like upside-down boats.
CANOEABLEcanoeable adj. Navigable by canoe.
CANOEABLE adj. navigable by canoe.
CANOEDcanoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of canoe.
CANOE v. to paddle a small slender boat.
CANOEINGcanoeing n. A water sport involving travelling or racing in canoes or kayaks.
canoeing v. Present participle of canoe.
CANOEING n. the act of travelling by canoe.
CANOEINGScanoeings n. Plural of canoeing.
CANOEING n. the act of travelling by canoe.
CANOEISTcanoeist n. A person who travels by canoe.
CANOEIST n. one who engages in canoeing.
CANOEISTScanoeists n. Plural of canoeist.
CANOEIST n. one who engages in canoeing.
CANOEMANcanoeman n. (Chiefly Canada, historical) A voyageur.
canoeman n. (Chiefly Canada) A canoeist.
CANOEMAN n. a canoeist.
CANOEMENcanoemen n. Plural of canoeman.
CANOEMAN n. a canoeist.
CANOERcanoer n. One who travels by canoe.
CANOER n. one who travels by canoe.
CANOERScanoers n. Plural of canoer.
CANOER n. one who travels by canoe.
CANOEScanoes n. Plural of canoe.
canoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canoe.
CANOE v. to paddle a small slender boat.
CANOEWOODcanoewood n. The wood of the tree Liriodendron tulipifera.
CANOEWOOD n. another name for the tulip tree.
CANOEWOODSCANOEWOOD n. another name for the tulip tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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