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There are 13 words beginning with CAMPE

CAMPEDcamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of camp.
CAMP v. to live in the open.
CAMPERcamper n. A person who camps, especially in a tent etc.
camper n. A motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in.
camper n. (Video games) A person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item etc.
CAMPERScampers n. Plural of camper.
Campers prop.n. Plural of Camper.
CAMPER n. one who lives in the open.
CAMPERYcampery n. Ostentatiously effeminate behaviour from a man.
CAMPERY n. being camp.
CAMPESTcampest adj. Superlative form of camp: most camp.
CAMP adj. theatrical.
CAMPEACHYCAMPEACHY adj. as in campeachy wood, a logwood, first exported from Campeachy (Campeche, in SE Mexico).
CAMPEADORcampeador n. A warrior, in Spanish contexts.
CAMPEADOR n. (Spanish) a champion, esp. El Cid.
CAMPESINOcampesino n. An agricultural worker in Latin America.
CAMPESINO n. (Spanish) a Latin American peasant farmer.
CAMPEADORScampeadors n. Plural of campeador.
CAMPEADOR n. (Spanish) a champion, esp. El Cid.
CAMPESINOScampesinos n. Plural of campesino.
CAMPESINO n. (Spanish) a Latin American peasant farmer.
CAMPESTRALcampestral adj. Relating to open fields or uncultivated land.
CAMPESTRAL adj. of or pertaining to fields or open country, also CAMPESTRIAN.
CAMPESTRIANcampestrian adj. Relating to open fields; growing in a field, or open ground.
CAMPESTRIAN adj. of or pertaining to fields or open country, also CAMPESTRAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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