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There are 16 words beginning with CALIB

CALIBERcaliber n. Diameter of the bore of a firearm, typically measured between opposite lands.
caliber n. The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, a projectile, or a column.
caliber n. A nominal name for a cartridge type, which may not exactly indicate its true size and may include other…
CALIBREcalibre n. Alternative form of caliber.
CALIBRE n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBER.
CALIBERScalibers n. Plural of caliber.
CALIBER n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBRE.
CALIBREDcalibred adj. Alternative form of calibered.
CALIBRED adj. having a given calibre, also CALIBERED.
CALIBREScalibres n. Plural of calibre.
CALIBRE n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBER.
CALIBEREDcalibered adj. (Firearms, in combination) Having the specified caliber.
CALIBERED adj. having a given caliber, also CALIBRED.
CALIBRATEcalibrate v. To check or adjust by comparison with a standard.
calibrate v. To mark the scale of a measuring instrument.
calibrate v. To measure the caliber of a tube or gun.
CALIBRATEDcalibrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of calibrate.
CALIBRATE v. to determine true values by comparison with an accurate standard.
CALIBRATERCALIBRATER n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATOR.
CALIBRATEScalibrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calibrate.
CALIBRATE v. to determine true values by comparison with an accurate standard.
CALIBRATORcalibrator n. A person or device that calibrates.
CALIBRATOR n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATER.
CALIBRATINGcalibrating v. Present participle of calibrate.
CALIBRATE v. to determine true values by comparison with an accurate standard.
CALIBRATIONcalibration n. The act of calibrating something.
CALIBRATION n. the act of calibrating.
CALIBRATORScalibrators n. Plural of calibrator.
CALIBRATOR n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATER.
CALIBRATIONScalibrations n. Plural of calibration.
CALIBRATION n. the act of calibrating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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