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There are 20 words beginning with CABAL

CABALcabal n. A secret political clique or faction.
cabal n. (Derogatory) A putative, secret organization of individuals gathered for a political purpose.
cabal n. A secret plot.
CABALAcabala prop.n. Alternative spelling of Kabballah.
CABALA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH.
CABALScabals n. Plural of cabal.
cabals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cabal.
Cabals prop.n. Plural of Cabal.
CABALAScabalas prop.n. Plural of cabala.
CABALA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH.
CABALISMcabalism n. The study of the Jewish Kaballah.
cabalism n. The activities of a cabal; secret plotting.
CABALISM n. (Hebrew) a sect based on cabala, also KABALISM, KABBALISM, QABALISM, CABBALISM.
CABALISTcabalist n. A member of a cabal.
cabalist n. A person skilled in esoteric matters.
cabalist n. A student of the Jewish Kaballah.
CABALLEDcaballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cabal.
CABAL v. to conspire.
CABALLERcaballer n. One who cabals; a plotter or intriguer.
CABALLER n. one who cabals, intrigues.
CABALETTAcabaletta n. A short, rhythmically repetitive aria.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CABALETTEcabalette n. (Music) Alternative form of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CABALISTScabalists n. Plural of cabalist.
CABALIST n. (Hebrew) someone who finds hidden meanings in sacred texts, also KABALIST, KABBALIST, QABALIST.
CABALLEROcaballero n. A horseman, particularly in the Latin American context.
caballero n. A Spanish gentleman.
caballero n. A Spanish line dance.
CABALLERScaballers n. Plural of caballer.
CABALLER n. one who cabals, intrigues.
CABALLINEcaballine adj. Of, or pertaining to, a horse.
CABALLINE adj. pertaining to or suited to a horse.
CABALLINGcaballing n. (Oceanography) Alternative form of cabbeling.
caballing n. (Dated) Secret plotting.
caballing v. Present participle of cabal.
CABALETTAScabalettas n. Plural of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CABALISTICcabalistic adj. Of or relating to a cabal; secretive and cliquish.
cabalistic adj. Of or relating to Kabballah.
CABALLEROScaballeros n. Plural of caballero.
Caballeros prop.n. Plural of Caballero.
Caballeros prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
CABALISTICALcabalistical adj. (Now rare) Cabalistic.
CABALISTICAL adj. relating to the cabbala.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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